About Tell One

Tell One is on a mission to share the gospel around the world. This is accomplished through individual, local, state and national initiatives that inspire individual proclamation of the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.

Join us in establishing http://tellone.org as a rally point for Christians interested in furthering the gospel. With support from prayer partners and fellow Christians, Tell One is teaching and mentoring people to share their faith in God through Jesus Christ.

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Here are a few sample Devotions

  • The Light of Israel September 17, 2018
    The Lord will bring judgement with justice and righteousness for those that are oppressed. And he will show himself strong against those that are arrogant with intent to destroy as the king of Assyria is described in Isaiah 10:7 “For it is in his heart to destroy and to cut off not a few nations”. ...
  • So Also We May Live a New Way of Life July 31, 2018
    We have peace with God. We are known by Him. We can know Him in all of His goodness. Well, that is, those who have “been declared righteous”. But it seems too simple. And it is, “believe” as it says in John 3:16-16 For in this way God loved the world, so that he gave ...
  • And Even Now Declares Yahweh Return To Me April 20, 2018
    In the last chapter of Nehemiah, we find him turning the people back to serve God. Joel opens with the devastation of an army of locusts as the example, something so severe none of them have seen it before, and it is the judgement to come before the Lords army. The harvest is ruined, the ...